Salisbury District Hospital

Salisbury District Hospital is a hospital located in the city of Salisbury in Wiltshire, England.

Previously Salisbury Hospitals comprised three units. Salisbury Infirmary in Fisherton Street near the centre of the city, Odstock Hospital situated some two miles outside the city to the south and Newbridge Hospital, dealing with conditions of old age situated on the southern edge of the city.

These three units were amalgamated into The Salisbury District Hospital when it opened in 1991.



The Salisbury Infirmary had a long history as a hospital. A detailed account of its foundation is contained in Hoare's History of Modern Wiltshire[1]:

"A legacy of £500 having been left by Lord Feversham towards the establishment of a County Hospital in Wiltshire, letters were written by the mayor to the Earl of Pembroke, the Earl of Radnor and the Bishop, to solicit their advice and assistance in carrying the design into effect. On the 24th of September, 1766, a general meeting of the inhabitants of the City, Close and neighbourhood was held, certain resolutions adopted, and books opened to receive subscriptions. The Earl of Pembroke was unanimously nominated visitor, and the Earl of Radnor president, Mr Robert Cooper treasurer, and Dr Hele and Dr Jacob physicians. A committee was also appointed to make the necessary arrangements. Messages were forthwith dispatched to different quarters to solicit subscriptions; and the actual site, with several houses then standing upon it, was purchased for the erection of an Infirmary. The houses were rendered as commodious as possible; and on the 2d of May, 1767, were opened for the reception of patients. Behind, a structure capable of containing above an hundred beds was to be built, after the design of Mr Wood, architect of Bath, and the foundation was laid at the anniversary meeting, September 14. From the first year's report of the state of the charity, which was published on the 1st of September, it appears, that in the course of the preceding year, forthy-three in and eighty-eight out patients, had been admitted and suitably treated, at the expense of £1706 19s. 10d. The design was prosecuted with the utmost alacrity; and in 1771, when the building was ready for the reception of patients, the houses in front were removed..."

When the Infirmary closed it contained general surgical and medical wards, an ophthalmology ward, a private ward, an extensive outpatient department, two general operating theatres and an intensive care unit. It was in this ICU that Thin Lizzy singer Phil Lynott died from an alcohol/drugs related illness in January 1986.[1]

Odstock Hospital was constructed by the United States of America to treat American troops who were stationed in the Salisbury area during World War II. Prior to the opening of the Salisbury District Hospital Odstock accommodated a number of specialities including orthopaedics, ear nose and throat, obstetrics and gynaecology and rehabilitation. Odstock Hospital was renowned during the latter part of the last century for its pioneering work in the field of plastic surgery and the treatment of burns.

Present day

The Hospital is now part of the Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust

The Salisbury District Hospital has developed greatly over the years opening many specialist units and general wards. The hospital houses one of the 11 specialist spinal injury treatment centres based in the UK; as well as having dedicated wards for Orthopaedics, Spinal Injuries, Burns, Intensive Care, Coronary Care, Cardiology, Stroke, Palliative Care, Plastic Surgery, Surgery, Oncology, Haematology, Respiratory Medicine, Paediatrics, Intensive Care, Ear/Nose and Throat, Medical Assessment, Elderly Medical Assessment, Acute Medicine and Rehabilitation. There is also a day surgery unit, a full range of radiological facilities, full pathological and microbiological laboratories. The Emergency Department at the hospital was rated highly in the country in recent surveys.

The hospital is currently investing in the building of a new Cardiac Investigation Unit for the treatment of emergency and non-emergency cardiac conditions, which will prevent the majority of cardiac emergencies needing to be transported to Southampton General Hospital after initial treatment in Salisbury. The Hospital is additionally refurbishing parts of the hospital. New library and administration offices have been opened; a new paediatric ward and paediatric outpatients are being built; and the A&E Department is being extended and refurbished - a new modern and newly equipped Resuscitation Room is now in use. A new waiting room, paediatrics area and modernisation of the other areas are still ongoing.

The hospital has strong links to Bournemouth University for the practical education of advanced diploma and degree level student nurses; as well as providing a training location for students of radiography and physiotherapy from the University of The West of England [2].

The Wessex Regional Genetics Service (WRGL) has a laboratory within the main hospital building.


  1. ^ Volume VI, City of Salisbury (ed. Benson and Hatcher), London 1843

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